Let’s Connect the Capital Region, Together

As the Capital Region Transportation Planning Agency, we are committed to planning for transportation solutions that improve everyday travel. As part of this effort, we maintain a long-range transportation plan that is continually evaluated and updated to reflect the changing needs of our community. This long-range plan considers all modes of transit. Think: driving, busing, walking, cycling….and beyond.

Our goal? Create a plan and solutions that provide you with options that easily get you from point A to B. When you look around the community, many of the transportation projects happening right now were envisioned years ago (through this exact planning process).

Today, we ask you to join us in connecting our region to 2050 through planning. Your feedback will help shape the future of transportation in our local region.

Image of cyclists
Image of city park
Image of woman at bus stop
Image of Wakulla Lighthouse
Image of car traffic

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